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The 2nd Division remained at Entonjaneni one day longer than the Flying Column, and on the 10th July commenced to march back by the track followed during the advance.  The distance traversed was about 7 miles, and it was found that the sick and wounded, who numbered nearly 100; bore the journey well.*

On the 11th the Division marched to Seguine Spruit, and on the 12th reached the left bank of the Umhlatoosi river.  Halting there during the 13th, the Division marched on the following day to the Ibabanango Spruit, and on the 15th, passing Fort Marshall, encamped about 4 miles lower down the Upoko.

The Division remained at this camp for a weekk, during which time the horses and oxen improved considerably in condition.** The convoy of sick and wounded was sent away on the 18th July, escorted by two companies of the 2/21st, and two com­panies of the 1/24th, with 200 of Bengough's Natives as bearers.

This convoy proceeded by Fort Newdigate, where the companies of the 1/24t were relieved by two of the 2/21st, who had been in garrison at that post, and moving by the Ityotyosi and Koppie Alleen, eventually reached Ladysmith, where a con­valescent hospital had been established.

It had been determined by Sir Garnet Wolseley that the column which he had ordered to re-Occupy Ulundi should draw its supplies from the depot at Landman's Drift, and telegrams on the subject of the despatch of a convoy to meet this column at Entonjaneni were received by General Newdigate on the 20th arid 21st Jul)'.

On the 22nd July the Division moved to a new camping ground, some 2 miles lower down the Upoko, where it remained till it was broken up.

While the Division was encamped on the Upoko, many officers visited Isandhlwana, where traces of the action of the 22nd January were still to be seen.  Those of the 24th Regi­ment who had fallen here on that day had, before the end of the previous month, received burial at the hands of their comrades. Parties of the 2nd Battalion stationed at Rorke's Drift had, on the 20th, 23rd, and 26th June marched from that place to Isand­hlwana, under Lieutenant-Colonel Black, and had worked at the interment of the bodies, which were scattered over a wide extent of country.  These parties had not been molested by the

  * About 25 had to be carried in stretchers and cots by native bearers (4 men to a stretcher, 6 to a dot), a hospital orderly accompanying each patient.  A company was told off daily to strike and pitch the hospital tents.

  ** The horses were now getting 10 lbs. of oats daily.

  Zulus, and had on each occasion returned to Rorke's Drift the same day.*

The break up of the 2nd Division was commenced on the 26th July, by the departure of one troop of the 17th Lancers, the 2nd Company R.E., and four companies of the 94th Regiment** for Fort Newdigate, whence they were to proceed into the valley of the White Umvolosi, and construct a work to be called Fort Cambridge.

On the 27th July Major-General Newdigate took leave of the remaining troops of the 2nd Division, whose subsequent distribution was as follows -The 17th Lancers were ordered to Koppie Alleen, and, having handed over their horses to the King's Dragoon Guards, were to proceed thence, dismounted, to Durban, for embarkation for India. Harness's battery (N/5 R.A.) was to form part of Lieutenant-Colonel Baker Russell's Flying Column, and Le' Grice's Battery*** (N/6 R.A.) was to move to Dundee, and eventually to form part of the force which was to be employed in the Transvaal.  Of the infantry, the 2/21st had left previously with the sick and wounded, and the 1/24th was now ordered to Landman's Drift, and so to Durban for embarka­tion.  The escort for   the convoy moving up to Entonjaneni was to be furnished by the remaining battalion, the 58th, which on the completion of this duty was to find garrisons for Forts Evelyn, Marshall, Newdigate, and Koppie Alleen.

  * All the bodies were not found till later, as many were hidden by the long grass.  Several parties were subsequently employed burying remains which were afterwards discovered, and the work was finally accomplished in March 1880, by a party of the 60th Rifles. This party was accompanied by the Rev. J. M. Ritchie, Chaplain to the Forces, who performed the funeral service at two places on the battle-field. The following is an extract from Mr. Ritchie's report to the Chief of the Staff, dated 29th March, 1880.

"I beg to state that, in my opinion, speaking both as a clergyman and also as one who lost a very near connection and many intimate friends in the engagement, all has now been done that the most sensitive relative of any of the deceased could desire."

** 2 companies of this regiment had been detached to Kwamagwaza, and 2 had remained at Grey Town when the Division advanced in May.

*** 2 guns belonging to this battery were at Kwamagwasa.